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Terms of Use


Last update: 14/05/2024





a) These Terms of Use (Terms) include the terms and conditions under which we supply materials, products and services that are available on, through our applications (My Ballet World) or other means (All of the above will be referred to herein as products). Please read the terms of use carefully before using any of our products either through our site or through a third party application (App Store, Google Store).


b) The website, (hereinafter referred to as "The Website") and our app (My Ballet World) (hereinafter referred to as "The App"), which is an electronic application for use through a mobile phone, tablet, smart watch or other device that can support their use, are the property of the company called "Mindflow FZ-LLC", Licence No 47009139, (referred to herein as the "Company" / contact details: W12-SO11 Shed No.23, Al Hulaila Industrial Zone-FZ RAK, United Arab Emirates, tel: 00302102202702, e-mail:


 c) Any contract concluded through the Website and/or the Application is governed by the public policy provisions of the Law and the terms of this document, as well as those that may be agreed in writing between the Company and the user. No oral or other terms shall apply.


d) Each visit to the Website and/or the Application, each reading of their content and any use of them in general implies the acceptance by the User that he/she consents to the application of the terms of the present, and accepts them unconditionally in their entirety. A user who does not agree/disagree with all or part of these terms, must refrain from using the Website and/or the Application)/Application and from any transaction with them. Any disagreement, in case of continued use, shall in no way affect the validity of the entire terms and conditions.


 e) All prices, if any, are in Dollars ($) and include the statutory VAT.





a) The Company shall be liable solely and exclusively for the information presented on the Website and/or the Application and in no case for the information presented by third parties. In particular, the Website and the Applications contain links or indications of third party websites. These websites are controlled and managed exclusively by the third parties and not by the Company, therefore the Company bears no responsibility for any use of these websites by the user or information, services and products they contain. For any information, problem or anything arising from the use of such links and websites, the sole responsibility lies with the third party administrators of these websites, to whom you should address.


b) The Company in no way represents that the content and any information contained on this server is suitable for any purpose. Any information, illustration, document, etc. is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind or form.


c) The user declares unconditionally that by using the Website and/or the Applications, the user, automatically and without any other, assumes all responsibility and accepts that the Company cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in use, including errors in content.


d) Any special offers of the Applications are marked accordingly and may be used separately and not additively with any other offer.


e) The Company shall not be liable for any incorrect use of the Website and/or the Application by the user, who must exercise due care during transactions and data transfer. The User is solely responsible for any errors and the data transferred, as the Company does not correct or intervene in any way. Furthermore, the Company shall not be responsible for the words and advice of the speakers and experts participating in our Website and Applications, for which they are solely responsible.


f) The Website and the Application are intended exclusively for private use and their professional and/or commercial use is prohibited, except through our available corporate programs.


g) The user is prohibited to use the Website and/or the Application, the reproduction of the live courses, the collection and/or processing and use of any information that has come to his/her knowledge, including his/her own transaction, for purposes contrary to the law, morality, good faith and business ethics, and is solely responsible for any violation, both towards the Company and towards third parties, of the Company and its employees, expressly exempted from any liability.


Indicatively, it is prohibited to the user:


1. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that is unlawful for any reason, causes unlawful offense and harm to the Company or any third party, or violates the confidentiality or privacy of any person's information.


2. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that causes offence to users' morals, social values, minors, etc.


3. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which users do not have the right to transmit under the law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements).


4. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties of any kind.


5. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material that contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation of any software or computer hardware.


6. willful or unintentional violation of applicable laws or regulations.


7. harassment of third parties in any way,


8. collection or storage of personal data about other users.


In the event that the Company finds such a violation, it has the right to terminate its services immediately, without notice and without further action, to exercise all its legal rights and to claim compensation for any positive or consequential damage or moral damage.


h) Despite the Company's efforts to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and the Application and the service of the user, the Company shall not be liable for any failure to provide support services.


i) The User declares that he/she is competent to enter into legal transactions. The concept of User includes any person who enters and/or uses the Website and/or the Application in any way, any person who is charged by law or by court order with the supervision of a third person, persons employed by the User and, in general, any person who uses the User's data.


In any case of connection and/or use of the Application by anyone - even a third party - with the user's data, the user accepts that he/she is personally and financially responsible for any use of the Application. In the case of persons incapable of legal representation, their supervisors (guardians, legal guardians, etc.) must supervise their use and, if necessary, prohibit it, e.g. by using the "parental control" settings of the browsers (internet explorer, Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) or application stores (App Store, Google Play, etc.) they use.


In any case, if the Company detects the use of the Website and/or the Application by a person incapable of legal action without the consent of the person supervising him/her, it shall be entitled to immediately terminate his/her access until the consent of the person supervising him/her is obtained.




The entire content of the Website and/or the Application is the commercial, industrial and intellectual property of the Company or third parties that have granted the relevant rights to it, protected by Greek and international legislation. The use of the Online Store does not in any way imply the transfer or assignment of the relevant rights. The reproduction of the content of the Website and/or the Application is permitted only for private use.




a) The registration of the user of the Website and/or the Application is necessary for the conclusion of a sales contract between the parties. During the process of ordering and purchasing products, the user must provide the absolutely necessary data, which is limited exclusively to his/her email address.


The User may optionally and only if he/she chooses, enter additional personal data, such as if he/she chooses to create a profile on the Website and/or the Applications, with his/her personal data such as name, city, gender, as well as upload a profile photo or if he/she chooses to fill in data in the community group available on the Website and the Application.


The Company does not request and does not store credit card or debit card data, as transactions are carried out through third party platforms (e.g. App Store, Google Play, Stripe, Wix pay), who are the only ones responsible for the proper management and storage of such data. The Website and/or the Applications make use of the information provided by the User (email address) during the electronic submission of the form, in order for the Company to communicate with the User regarding (i) the confirmation of registration, (ii) the completion of the order, (iii) the confirmation and identification of the User and the order, when necessary.


b) The Website and/or the Applications may contain a registration form for the User, during the completion of which, in addition to the above required data (e-mail address), the User may also provide a "user name" and a "password". Upon registration, the User's data will be stored, so that at each subsequent use, the User will log in without having to resubmit the above data. The user may request at any time the deletion or change of the user name and/or password.


c) The Website and/or the Application may use Cookies to facilitate the services they provide and their operation.


For the management of the user's personal data and the use of cookies by the Website and the Applications, please refer to the Company's full policy on the management of personal data on the website: The terms contained in the Company's privacy policy are considered to be an integral part of these terms and each visit to the Website and/or the Applications, each reading of their content and each use of them in general implies the unconditional acceptance of them by the User.




a) The Application may offer, where applicable, the following products (cumulatively or consecutively, in total or individually, as specifically provided for each Application):


(i) Free Plan: free use of some parts of the app.


(ii) Subscription Plan: gives access to all the locked material and services of the Applications. The user has access to this plan only while his subscription is active. In case his/her Subscription expires then the Application which the subscription is valid for automatically reverts to the Free Plan. If the purchase is made through the platform hosting the Application (App Store, Google Play), then the purchase is final and cannot be changed by the Company. The User should contact the respective platform used for Subscription or Change of Subscription.


b) The respective Application may offer a Subscription Plan: Monthly, Annual or Lifetime. A month is considered 30 days and a year is considered 365 days.



i. The billing is done from your personal Apple (Apple ID) or Google (Google Account) account, when you choose to purchase this subscription.


ii. This means that your subscription will automatically renew every month, unless you cancel your subscription 24 hours before the end of the monthly period. That is, you must cancel the subscription 24 hours before the start of the new month to avoid being charged for the new month.


iii. You can cancel your subscription at any time through your Apple (Apple ID) or Google (Google Account) account. Any unused portion of the free trial will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription. There are no refunds for any portion of one month's usage, i.e. if you cancel before the end of the month you have already been charged for.


iv. For more information please read carefully our Terms of Use (Terms), as well as our Privacy Policy.



i. The charge is made from your personal Apple (Apple ID) or Google (Google Account) when you choose to purchase this subscription.


ii. The annual subscription means that you will prepay the total amount with the purchase of the subscription.


iii. This means that your subscription will automatically renew each year unless you cancel your subscription 24 hours before the end of the annual period.


iv. You can cancel your subscription at any time through your Apple (Apple ID) or Google (Google Account) account. Any unused portion of the free trial will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription. There are no refunds for part of a year's usage, i.e. if you cancel before completing the year you have already been charged for.


v. For more information, please read carefully our Terms of Use (Terms), as well as our Privacy Policy.


Orders are placed through the respective Application by selecting the subscription and executed through the third party platform (App Store, Google Play, Stripe). The conclusion of the contract between the user and the Company takes place at the moment the user receives notification of the completion of the order. Other notifications regarding the order are sent by e-mail to the contact e-mail address provided by the user in the relevant form or through the third party platform that will confirm the transaction.


c) Upon conclusion of the contract, the Company checks the availability of the ordered services. In the event that the availability or delivery time differs from that indicated on the page of the goods, the User will be informed accordingly.


d) Upon completion of the order by the User, the User agrees that he/she has taken note of the following:


i. For the use and conclusion of the contract through the Applications, there is no charge to the user on the part of the Company.


ii. The price of the services purchased through the Applications may differ from the price of the services purchased from other online stores of the Company in the same or other countries.


iii. The sales contract, in addition to what is set forth herein, shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 513 et seq. of the Civil Code and the Law in general. The terms hereof shall prevail to the extent that they are not contrary to public policy.


iv. The illustrations of the products and the indication of their characteristics are indicative. If the user wishes to obtain further information, he should contact the company.




a) The user is invoiced either by means of a retail sales receipt via the platform hosting the application (App Store, Google Play), or by means of an invoice if the user is a corporate customer. In any case, the documents are delivered to the user together with the delivery of the product.


 b) The method and time of payment of the price will be indicated on the website of the Application or in the agreement concluded, if it is a corporate client. Third party charges (Bank commission, transport etc.) are defined by the third parties, are borne by the User and paid according to the terms of the third parties. The Company shall not be liable for such charges.




a) The Company shall not be liable for delays in the execution of the contract and the delivery of the products in cases of third party fault or force majeure.




a) In all cases in which the User wishes to cancel or change the subscription, it must be done through the platform hosting the Applications, as there is no possibility to do it from the Company, by entering the menu below depending on the device used:


Cancel or Change Subscription from iOS device:


Settings > Apple ID > Subscriptions > Tap on My Ballet World app and then select Cancel or Change Subscription.


Cancel or Change from an Android device:


Google Play Store > Tap on your Profile Icon > Payments and Subscriptions > Subscriptions > Subscriptions > Tap on My Ballet World APp then select Cancel or Change Subscription.


b) Cancellation of the subscription by the user with the right to a refund is done within an exclusive period of (14) days.


c) For a corporate client, the change or cancellation of the subscription can only be done by the Company and for this reason, it will be necessary to be informed in writing by email and according to the terms of the agreement between us.




a) The Company offers online and offline services and materials, which concerns the part of general well-being. It does not offer medical services and under no circumstances should the services, products or material therein be considered as medical advice. Only your medical practitioner can do that. Although there is valid research and studies from major institutes, universities and hospitals on the beneficial benefits of long-term practice of mindfulness on several aspects of our lives, such as performance, relationships and well-being, My Ballet World and the other applications created from it make no claims and offer no guarantee that they offer therapeutic benefits.


Any health information, link or reference to health information in our Apps, products and services is offered simply for your convenience in information and not as medical advice and in no way replaces the instructions of your doctors. You are solely responsible for your health and your treating physicians. The Company does not represent, guarantee, is not responsible and assumes no liability for the accuracy, weight and completeness of the information, research and results reported in our products, and even for the words and advice of the speakers involved in our application, for which they are solely responsible.


There have been some very rare cases of people with psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorder and depression, who have felt that their condition has worsened after continuous meditation practice. It is therefore very important that people with any form of existing mental disorders consult their doctor first before making use of the Website and/or our Apps, products and services.


b) The use of the Website and/or the Application and any contract entered into through them is governed by UAE Law. For any dispute arising out of or in connection with the present and the use of the Application, the Courts of UAE shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


c) The invalidity of any specific term(s) of the present does not affect the other terms, which shall be in full force and effect.


d) The above terms constitute the full agreement with the Company, which reserves the right to modify or renew or delete all the terms herein without any notice. The amendment or renewal will be effective from the time this document is notified of any change and posted on the Website and Applications.




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